
Can Ground Support Keep Up with Growing Air Travel Demands?

Several factors contribute to increasing air travel demands, such as population growth, economic development, and the rise of low-cost carriers. As more people are able to afford air travel, airlines are adding more flights and routes to meet this demand.

Air travel demand continues to grow at a rapid pace. This growth is increasing airport delays and the number of stressed ground services. How will ground support keep up with this growth?

Increasing Air Travel Demands

Several factors contribute to increasing air travel demands, such as population growth, economic development, and the rise of low-cost carriers. As more people are able to afford air travel, airlines are adding more flights and routes to meet this demand.

This growth in air travel is putting pressure on ground support services, which include everything from check-in and baggage handling to aircraft fueling and deicing. With more flights and passengers, airports and airlines struggle to keep up with the demand.

Growing Demand Projections for 2023

The airline sector is predicted to reach profitability in 2023. Airlines are expected to achieve a global net profit of $4.7 billion on $779 billion in revenue (0.6% net margin). 

This growth poses challenges for ground support equipment (GSE) providers, who must keep up with demand while meeting new safety and efficiency standards. The demands are greater as airlines strive to turn around aircraft more quickly and efficiently. In addition to traditional services like baggage handling and catering, GSE providers will need to offer increasingly sophisticated solutions.

Ground Support Obstacles in 2023

The number of air travelers is expected to grow significantly in the next few years, outpacing the growth of available airport infrastructure. This will create significant challenges for ground support providers, who will need to find ways to handle increased demand while still providing a safe and efficient service.

One of the biggest challenges will be managing aircraft congestion on the ground. With more aircraft movements, there will be an increased risk of collision and delays. Ground support providers will need to develop new procedures and technologies to help manage this congestion and keep flights moving smoothly.

Another obstacle will be handling the increasing number of passengers with diverse needs. Air travel is becoming increasingly accessible, which means that airports and airlines must be prepared to accommodate passengers with a wide range of disabilities and needs. This includes everything from those who require special assistance during their journey to those with emotional support animals.

Finally, ground support providers will need to find ways to deal with the increasing amount of baggage passengers bring. This luggage often needs to be stored securely and efficiently, which can be a challenge in itself.

With proper planning and preparation, however, airlines can overcome these obstacles and ground support providers can successfully meet future challenges.

How AI Can Improve Ground Support Efficiency During Worker Shortages

To accommodate this growth in air travel, airports and airlines should start investing in new technology and equipment to improve ground support operations. This includes AI technology which helps produce invoices for billable ground services with unparalleled precision. As a result, airlines can avoid customer disputes or nearly eliminate revenue losses for frequently overlooked occurrences such as aircraft re-departures, further GSE support, or a return to gate. Because most relevant operations are detailed tracked, the AI can handle invoicing for you.

This system has the potential to significantly improve efficiency during periods of high demand when there may be a shortage of available workers. By using AI to staff more efficiently, ground support can ensure that clients’ needs are met, even during times of high demand.

Also, with the assistance of AI, you may reduce jet engine and APU utilization, resulting in lower fuel consumption and, as a result, lower CO2 emissions.


As the demand for air travel continues to grow, it’s important that ground support can keep up with the increased demand. Fortunately, AI is available. By working with a reputable AI software company like Synaptic Aviation, you can ensure that your needs are met and that you get the best possible service.

Ready to put our artificial intelligence to the test? Allow Synaptic Aviation to show you how simple and successful it is to operate. Request a demo today by visiting www.synapticaviation.com or calling 844-505-4496.

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